Set in Agra, Kuch Khatta Ho Jaay is a tedhi-medhi love story between Guru Randhawa and Saiee M Manjrekar. Filled with some interesting twists and turns and crazy families, the teaser promises an immensly fun ride that will crack the audience up.
New Delhi: With its teaser poster, Guru Randhawa and Saiee M Manjrekar’s film Kuch Khattaa Ho Jaay left fans very interested. Now the teaser for the film has been released and this rom com will not just pull heartstrings but amply tickle your funny bones too.
Set in Agra, Kuch Khatta Ho Jaay is a tedhi-medhi love story between Guru Randhawa and Saiee M Manjrekar. Filled with some interesting twists and turns and crazy families, the teaser promises an immensly fun ride that will crack the audience up.
Kuch Khattaa Ho Jaaye marks Guru Randhawa’s acting debut. Along with his leading lady, Saiee M Manjrekar, the film gives out a very fun and super cool vibe. The film will also have a fun party number called Bottley Kholo that became a rage at parties during the Christmas and New Years. Anupam Kher and Ila Arun will also be seen in this Amit Bhatia production.
The Guru Randhawa and Saiee M Manjrekar starrer is a heartwarming family comedy with a touch of drama! It is produced by Mach Films and Amit Bhatia. This PAN India releases in theaters on February 16th, 2024, and promises to tickle your funny bone and touch your hearts at the same time. Kuch Khattaa Ho Jaay is directed by G. Ashok, and produced by Amit and Laveena Bhatia.
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