Meanwhile a DBT agriculture Bihar website said that or the 15th installment of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, it is mandatory for the beneficiaries to get eKYC done, otherwise they will be deprived of the benefits of the scheme.
New Delhi: Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) scheme 15th Installment latest update: – In what can be termed as a much-needed festive gift for farmers, the disbursal of Rs 2,000 under PM Kisan is on its way into your account soon. As per media reports the 15th Installment of PM-KISAN will be credited into the bank account of eligible farmers by the end of November.
Meanwhile a DBT agriculture Bihar website said that or the 15th installment of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, it is mandatory for the beneficiaries to get eKYC done, otherwise they will be deprived of the benefits of the scheme.
PM Kisan Samman Nidhi 15th installment: How To Check Beneficiary Status
-Visit official PM KISAN website Portal
– You will see the map of India under Payment Success tab.
– On the right hand side, there will be a yellow coloured tab called “Dashboard”
– Click on Dashboard
– After clicking, you will be taken to a new page
– On the Village Dashboard tab, you will have to fill your complete details
– Select the state, district, Sub-District and Panchayat
– Then click on show button
– After this you can choose your details
PM KISAN Scheme was launched by PM Narendra Modi in 2019, aims to provide income support to all landholder farmer families across the country with cultivable land, subject to certain exclusions. Under the Scheme, an amount of Rs 6000 per year is released in three-monthly instalments of Rs 2000 each directly into the bank accounts of the beneficiaries. While lakhs of eager farmers are waiting for the disbursal of Rs 2,000 in their account, there are several farmers who are not eligible for the PM KISAN Scheme.
Those excluded from the PM-KISAN include institutional land holders, farmer families holding constitutional posts, serving or retired officers and employees of State or Central government as well as Public Sector Undetakings and Government Autonomous bodies. Professionals like doctors, engineers and lawyers as well as retired pensioners with a monthly pension of over Rs 10,000 and those who paid income tax in the last assessment year are also not eligible for the benefits.
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